
Sunday, August 26, 2012

“It is More Than a Campaign – It’s a Calling”

“It is More Than a Campaign – It’s a Calling”

After literally being secluded in prayer and fasting for weeks, seeking Divine guidance and direction about my run for Congress, I found myself having to ask why would I at this stage of my life want to go to Congress?  After 26 years in national leadership, why at this stage of my life do I even want to be involved in politics? I certainly have legitimate reasons to beg of myself an answer  to this question.

Each day America’s economic, social and moral fibers seems to unravel even more, as nothing but political rhetoric and divided partisan politics spew from her seams. There is very little of a glimmer of anything positive emphasized within the political arena. Instead, it appears to be more politically expedient to be divisive and unwilling to work together for the common good of the people. It certainly makes for great headlines and news feeds  -  to say nothing of the mean and nasty tone of the political conversations or the lack of civility and diminishing respect for the process.  Pondering all of this, I sought wisdom from a Source higher than myself as to whether I should still run as an Independent Republican Write-In Candidate for Third District Congress in the November 6th General Election.

As I sought an answer or an excuse to retreat, the more GOD poured into me reasons why I could not give up and why I had to run. Surprisingly the answers came from the people of the Third District. Along with this also came an even more GODLY defiant spirit to change the tone and the trajectory of the political landscape from being “political as usual” to “politics that is different and that offers a better way of governing”.

Having taught Civics at the K-12 level through the “Democracy In Action” program I created and implemented years ago, and having taught Political Science at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga I not only understand the political process, but I believe in it and I have great respect for it.

America has the most stable and purest form of representative government of any country in the world. The process was crafted with great respect for the will of the people and is created with safeguards against tyranny. Yet somehow we have lost our way and somehow partisan tyranny is slowly seeping in and is taking the power and the voice of the people away from the process.

Money trumps qualifications – power and influence rules even to the detriment of the good and the will of the people – voting is no longer a sacred privilege exercised with great dignity and pride – it has become a neglected duty with many unwilling to cast their ballot because they have lost hope that their vote truly matters any more. So seldom is the Voice of the People heard – while partisan bickering shatters the ears with loud blasts of spewed out hatred driven messages of divide and conquer – us against them and them against us – forgetting that there is only ONE AMERICA and that we ALL are one people  - Americans. 

All of this is going on while many people are barely holding up under the pressures that are on them resulting from a failing economy, under and unemployment, over taxation, and an ever climbing deficit. They are filled with fears of where they fit into a world of elitist politics where seemingly only the powerful, influential and those who have the money to play the game are leading and making decisions that impact their lives.

Tossing and turning, wringing  my hands, pacing and even attempting to close my eyes to try to escape all of this, it still haunts me and will not allow me to ignore the declining condition of our sacred form of democracy. Because for all that I try to close my eyes to, my ears still hear, and for what I am able to shut out of my hearing, my heart is nevertheless weighed and my mind is not able to block out. The conversations I have had with the good people of the Third District, as they have shared with me their personal dilemmas – the senior citizens who are frightened to death that they will be left with even less than they now have to survive on – those on fixed incomes who are barely making ends meet – the seniors who at the middle of the month don’t even have toilet paper, soap and other necessities others take for granted, because their money has run out - the veterans who after they have fought for their country so bravely and have risked their lives, are now getting the run-around by their own country in processing benefits and receiving services – the students who have been told that if they study and work hard in school they can go to college and make something of themselves who now are unable to find the money to finance their education and those who have gotten the degrees, now also have high interest loans that must be paid back even if they are unemployed and unable to find work – the small businesses that are struggling and having to compete with Wall Street conglomerates  who are bailed out by government, while they go under or struggle to stay afloat - many are forced to down size and some are forced to quietly lose their homes to foreclosures – those who are still going without medical coverage and are afraid to seek medical help because they don’t understand what this medical debate thing is all about – all they know is that they are sick, need medicine and treatment or their condition worsens and they may even die. But also the middle class working people are also economically feeling the blow – for some even with having two people working, this is still not enough to survive – with only one income or being the sole provider or a single head of household parent is even worse. Certainly having become a widow at an early age with a 3 ½ year old daughter, I can identify with all of this.

What those conversations also are showing is that people are losing hope and confidence in elected leadership to care enough to work together to bring about positive change.  Common to all of this is a feeling of powerlessness by the people – the very people of whom the government was created by and for, is now feeling like outsiders without a voice or rights.

They also fear no one is telling “their” story – sometimes not even the media – instead coverage is more about the foolish bickering of candidates and the dirt that can be dug up to discredit each other - how much money they are raising to fight each other for a position of power which most are coveting for their own selfish motives – while there is very little about how candidates are trying to make a difference and whether or not they truly care about the concerns of the people. None of this seemingly matters anymore and none of it bodes well with those who are struggling and having to deal with the day-to-day dilemmas to just survive and deal with real life crisis. So even with the once trusted and respected media, they see the disconnect with the true concerns of the people.

They have grown sick and tired of all of the negative reporting and want to hear about what candidates have to offer and not who has endorsed them or what they can buy or influence. They want their “own” vote to be the sign of endorsement and not any other lobbyist or organization that uses the influence of money to buy politicians. They simply want the honest, fair and balanced dissemination of information, so that they can wisely make their decision as to who they wish to cast a ballot and not have candidates forced down their throats because of lobbyists and media influence. Being turned off by this, many are simply just not voting for anyone and staying away from the polls. It is sad to hear so many people say they are convinced that the media and those with power, money and influence already have chosen who they will pick as viable or as the winners, so why should they vote or run for elected office. This is death to the most sacred privileges we have in America – the right to run for office; the right to elect leadership of one’s own choice by exercising the right to choose a candidate based upon qualifications and concern for the people; and the right to vote.

After months and days of trying to swallow and digest all of this, my heart has become even heavier. So I asked why and how can this be? The answer was, “Because leadership in government is no longer a calling, but now has become a coveted privilege where those who rule do it for their own self gratification and grandeur, and not because of the love for the people and because of all of the influence in choosing a good leader. Therefore it is no longer a calling or one of humbled service.”

GOD’S answer gave me food for thought. But it also caused me to carefully examine my own motives for running for Congress.

I never had a desire to serve in elected office. I enjoyed and took very seriously my role in educating and informing the people – in inspiring them to participate in government and to exercise their rights as citizens to ensure good and responsive government. But always I have found myself front and center in politics and in throwing my hat in the race. Each time I have tried to leave, I am drawn back in because I see a need for the voice of reasoning and concern for  the people. This alone compels me to return or to stay. Running for Congress this time is also without exception. I sought answers as to why seemingly the call of Congress will not let me rest.

GOD’S answer to me was short, direct and to the point. “Jean, it is because for you it is not a coveted privilege or an ambition, but rather, it is a calling and one of humble and heartfelt love and compassion for people - one that will not let you rest until it is fulfilled in its own ordained time and season.”

Having gotten my answer from GOD, I am working vigorously over the next few months as a Third District Independent Republican Write-In Candidate for Congress and will continue to hear from the people of the Third District as to what they want from their Congressional Representative. I vow to restore their hope, their confidence and their respect for their government.

“Got to Do It GOD’S WAY!”

“Got to Do It GOD’S WAY!”

GOD'S POLITICAL ADVICE TO ME: This morning on August 18, 2012 around 5:00 a.m., GOD sat me down and gave me GODLY POLITICAL ADVICE to PONDER and to FOLLOW:

"1) DO NOT be concerned with how ANYONE else is running their campaign - you are NOT them, nor are you a politician! Neither do you want to be a POLITICIAN! You are a SERVANT, a WOMAN OF GOD and a LEADER. So just do it GOD'S WAY!

2) DO NOT pay any attention to what you see on FB! (Repeated several times with great emphasis!)

3) DO NOT be swayed by what ANYONE else is saying or what you read - LISTEN ONLY to GOD!

4) DO NOT be surprised to see those you helped, stood with, even prayed for or supported when they needed it go in the opposite direction - in fact, pray that they DO! But don't forget that you did NONE of this for a reward, nor be upset or angry - because this is just what you do! ...And even if there are those who say they are sisters and brothers in the LORD who do not realize who you are or why I called you to this task, DO NOT let it pull on your heart string, because there is an Army who does!

5) DO NOT change who you are SPIRITUALLY or as a PERSON. Just be yourself and who I have created you to be - a "Lioness, but ALWAYS a Lady"!

6) DO NOT stop LOVING, having a HEART for and SERVING PEOPLE - in fact, LOVE them even MORE and ALWAYS be a SERVANT first, then a LEADER. CONTINUE to LOVE ALL people - even those who do not love ME or you - LOVE THEM ANYWAY and NEVER STOP loving and serving them for this is a part of your CALLING! So if they HATE you, DO NOT HATE back - still LOVE them and do it from a deep place where in ME there is an endless and overflowing source of GODLY LOVE! Cover EVERY FAULT in LOVE!

7) DO NOT do "STUFF" for SHOW, JUST to get elected - BE REAL! Because EVERYTHING that is NOT REAL shall be REVEALED!

8) DO NOT get caught up in the MESS or play DIRTY POLITICS! Instead keep your hands and heart CLEAN!

9) DO NOT stop PRAYING and seeking GOD'S direction and GOD'S WILL! For the battle is NOT yours, it is the LORD'S! So how you will WIN will not be UNDERSTOOD by those who DO NOT understand how I DO, WHAT I DO to bring about a VICTORY. DON'T depend upon MONEY or the ENDORSEMENTS OF MAN, because I AM GOD and I DO NOT need the carnal things of man to set you where I HAVE CALLED YOU TO BE! For I AM GOD and I can SPEAK IT, and it IS SO according to MY DIVINE WILL!

10) DO NOT take YOUR eyes off GOD! KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME!

11) DO NOT let what has happened in the past, keep you from seeing that it was a DIVINE STEPPING STONE allowed by GOD to get you where you need to be in order to be VICTORIOUS TODAY. DO NOT DOUBT that this is "your season" let NO ONE cause you to think or believe anything other than THIS!

And last, .... 12) DO NOT forget that THIS is a CALLING and not an ambition. SO NEVER DOUBT THE CALLING! For GOD'S CALLING and ELECTION are SURE!" [II Peter 1:10]

Now OPENLY SHARE ALL that I have given you! BOLDLY share IT. Because I have had you LOCKED AWAY WITH ME for months in PRAYER and CONSECRATION for this task - POURING INTO YOU the ANOINTING OF GODLY HUMBLE yet COURAGEOUS, STRONG and WISE LEADERSHIP and NOW it is TIME TO STEP OUT with that ANOINTING - without doubt, fear or hesitation. FOR this time, I AM going to do ALL, I HAVE PROMISED TO DO and there is NO force, even that which rises up from the abyss of HELL that can STOP, BLOCK, HINDER or PREVENT IT from coming forth. ....And those who fight against MY DIVINE WILL for your life in this season, will find themselves fighting against ME! For what some will fail to realize or recognize is that YOU DID NOT call yourself - nor did you choose to run. For I AM the ONE who CALLED AND ORDAINED YOU! NEVER has it been your ambition or aspiration to do anything other than to LOVE ON MY PEOPLE AND TO SERVE THEM IN HUMILITY! For your prayer to ME ALWAYS has been, "SOVEREIGN LORD, make me a servant and an instrument of Your love". NOW in this hour and in this season, I AM honoring this!" Say the ALMIGHTY SOVEREIGN LORD!

Thank You GOD for the GODLY ADVICE! I am humbly PONDERING all of Your Advice and following it to the letter! I will follow YOU GOD - I have NO other desire than to do YOUR WILL - NO MATTER WHAT the cost may be. I LOVE YOU with ALL of me. FOREVER YOURS...._Lady J - "Lioness, but ALWAYS a Lady"

GOD and Politics

GOD and Politics


“My role is not to go to Congress to fight individuals or religious beliefs or unbeliefs. Because whether one chooses to believe or serve God is an individual, sacred and personal decision. Despite individual consequences or rewards, even GOD does not force anyone to believe  - "men ought to always pray", but GOD forces no one to even do that. But my role is to go there and fight for what is right, just, fair, and beneficial for the people of the Third Congressional District, and to live a life which evidences the  positive attributes of having God in my life.”
                                               _Lady J - “Lioness, but ALWAYS a Lady

The balance for me is staying who I am spiritually, while recognizing and respecting the rights of others to believe as they choose. This is the concept of religious freedom which our forefathers envisioned for America. But based upon the notion of a strict interpretation of the Doctrine of the Separation of Church and State that suggests that anyone who is elected to office should give up who they are spiritually in order to serve as your congresswoman, should never be an option. It certainly is not an option for me.

I am who I am spiritually, while also striking the balance of respecting other beliefs and the need for government to tread the religious waters very carefully, as not to violate individual freedom of religion. Not to do so, places the right to believe in GOD in jeopardy of also being restricted. However, I must admit that I have become very weary and skeptical about religion in politics.

It seems everyone running for office feels a need or a politically expedient urge to “profess to know the LORD”! Running to the church for a photo opt or listing it among the qualifications for elected office has become a fad.   Also, sometimes there is a contradiction of what we preach and what we live. This has cheapened the role that one’s spiritual beliefs have on society, as the reality of who we say we are, as opposed to how we truly are in our everyday life, conflicts each other and lessens that confidence. Rather than hearing about one’s faith and beliefs, I believe it is better to just live it. Our everyday life is the perfect place to do that. So when we see GOD being “used” for the sake of a vote, it not only should bother us, but for those who do count their relationship with God as being sacred, it also should deeply grieve us as well.

As your congresswoman, being one who has a rich spiritual relationship with GOD, I also have to strike a balance in my spiritual and political life. I fully understand that my role is not to evangelize or to force what I believe upon anyone, and that there is a time and a place for me to exercise my spiritual freedom. But  each day, I also have a responsibility to live in such a way that by example, I exemplify those attributes that are Godlike in nature, so that in Washington it is evidenced by me doing what is right, just, fair, and beneficial for the people of the Third Congressional District, without all of the rhetoric about what I believe. For me my faith through so many personal experiences like the ones I have shared,  have helped me to have a greater appreciation for the dilemmas people face. I am  blessed to know both the spiritual and fleshly part of who I am, and grateful for the part it plays in the compassion I have for others, the desire to do what is right, which all is all a part of my process of political socialization.